ColorGATE is the Digital Printing production tool for the future
Using Windows NT technology, ColorGATE gives you the posibility to start your sucessfull digital print future today.
Your investment in the profitable LargeFormat Printing Market will only be the starting point. With ColorGATE you will achieve the highest quality printing standards with high production speeds and a quick return on invenvestment.
At the same time you have the security that with ColorGATE you can grow in your production needs in every direction. Multiple output device are supported using one or serveral different output engines, even custom output devices (On request).
All ColorGATE products are based on a unique modular architecture that insures that quality, ease of use, production speeds and economics go hand in hand.
The powerful and scalable Postscript Print engine which is fully supported by a world wide standard colormanagement system is the heart of the system.
The intuitive user interface is optimized for use with multiple output devices like Large Format inkjet, electrostatic, colorcopiers, imagesetters and even desktop printers.
Even the most complex Jobs are easily managed through the ColorGATE Jobmanagement front end, where the user is always in complete control. Previews and job information is always kept up-to-date and is always available for the user, just one click away.
The ColorGATE WorkFlow management module gives the operator the posiblitity to intergrate the ColorGate software in any environment and is fully customisable to insure maximum prodution ease. With ColorGATE its even posible to automate the entire process.
In the JobRequester menu you can determine your own preferences when it comes to Workflow settings, from the job preview to the automatic storage location of your rasterfiles.
The Job Requester allows the operator to set different parameters like tiling options, the amount of overlap needed, special extra colorcorrection, number of reprints, preview size and multiple printer settings.
The builtin ColorCorrection module allows the user to linearize en colorcalibrate his output and Autocolorcorrect though standaard ICC profiles. In- and output can therfore easly be matched to ensure high color quality time after time.